Dr. Sanford Feldman has now retired from clinical ophthalmology and now holds an emeritus position in our office. His highly individualized and detail-oriented approach to LASIK laser vision correction, advanced cataract surgery, and general ophthalmology set him apart. Dr. Feldman has performed more than 10,000 vision-correcting procedures, and specializes in advanced, small-incision cataract surgery and all-laser LASIK laser vision correction.
Dr. Feldman graduated with highest honors from Stanford University and the UCLA School of Medicine and has received awards for his research contributions in the field of ophthalmology. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Ophthalmology and a Fellow of both the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American College of Surgeons. He is a member of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and the Refractive Surgery Interest Group.
Dr. Feldman is a nationally recognized expert in ophthalmology patient education and has helped to develop books, video programs, and interactive computer programs that are used by ophthalmologists throughout the United States to teach their patients about cataract surgery, LASIK, and common eye conditions. He was chosen to be Secretary of Public Information for the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the world’s largest organization of Eye M.D.’s. He also served as a writer and producer for Dr. Art Ulene’s health segments on NBC’s Today Program and co-authored a nationally syndicated newspaper column and a self-help book on health.
Dr. Feldman strongly believes that doctors need to spend much more time listening, educating, and answering the questions of their patient. This commitment to attentive, unhurried patient care is at the heart of the One to One Eye Care and One to One LASIK philosophy.